Organic Agriculture

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Organic Agriculture

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Economics

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Professor’s NameCourse
Organic Agriculture
How Organic Agriculture Affects the Cost of Production and the Prices
The organic products are more expensive than their traditional counterparts whose prices have been decreasing. The supply of organic food is lower as compared to the demand thus making it costly (Reganold 15221). Besides, the production cost of these products is also higher due to the greater inputs required in regards to labor per unit of output. Besides, a huge diversity of enterprise means that economies of scale will not be achieved.
Would the World have enough food if all farmers turned into Organic?
Although organic farming can generate more profits and produces healthier produce, it is unlikely it can be enough to feed the world’s population even though all farmers turned to it (Reganold 15221). Since organic farming eliminates synthetic plants treatment and replaces them with the natural methods which are safer for the environment and healthier, it yields are as a result lower thus making it almost impossible for this farming to feed the world
The Value that Consumers get for the added cost of Organic
Many consumers still question whether it is worth spending on the increased costs of organic products and if there is any difference that this food makes on our bodies. These foods have more antioxidants, they taste better, and they support the overall health of human beings (Reganold 15221). Besides, they have increased nutrients …

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