On your family and how it functions

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On your family and how it functions

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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My Family and how it Functions
Over the past few decades, researches have not been succinct on the definition of ‘family.’ Indeed, the complexity of the coexistence of people has made the definition of the term obscure because families have become dynamic and their functions continuing to be unique. From dual-income families, to even single parents, families are learning to survive and define their functions based on different situations.
My family is compost of my father, mother and the three children with me being the first born. The definition of functionalist ideology defines the function of my family. On the one hand, it is a dual income earning parents who through proper acceptance and socialization, continue to train us to live and accept the different social norms, moral upbringing, and working hard to meet the economic and social functions. Although the functional approach my family takes could be different from others, such functions are characterized by two dogmas explained in the sentences below.
My father and mother have always struggled to fight the stereotype that with two parents earning, such families are likely to be rich and that, their functions are much more straightforward. The stereotype has not been the case since my mother and father, just like any other families, function as the heads of the family with their core responsibilities being caretakers, and providers of both the basic needs a…

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