On Boarding

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On Boarding

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Human Resources

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

On-Boarding Process
Institutional Affiliation:

Subject: Onboarding Process
Onboarding is a strategic method of recruiting new personnel and providing them with the necessary training, mentoring and material during their transition. A Good onboarding program should educate and involve employees in making them fruitful affiliates of the company. Reasons for creating an excellent onboarding process to:
Attract and maintain top talent.
Enhance the expansion of the business.
Promote confidence and alignments
Furnace networks with employees.
Promote open communication.
Outline of an onboarding process.
Prepare for the preceding day: hiring and staffing should be seen as vital parts of the onboarding process, and there needs to be someone available to answer any questions from the candidates. Company branding may also influence onboarding process since the since the company outlines what they expect.
HR practices: the recruits should be informed about the policies, welfares, and emergency processes.
Get to know the office: Help familiarize the recruits with the office on their first day. They should be introduced to the company goals and culture, as well as the informal social norms.
Tools and equipment: setting up tools and equipment early to enable the employees to be up to speed with fully functional workstations on their first day at work.
Build connections: Welcoming new personnel entails meeting the already existing…

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