Olympic sport REVISED

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Olympic sport REVISED

Category: Lab Report

Subcategory: Biology

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Sport muscles
Olympic is one of the most entertaining events in the history of sports. The event brings different countries together. One of the most famous sports that take place in the Olympic Games is sprinting. This sporting activity has witnessed geniuses such as Carl Lewis, Ben Johnson, and Usain Bolt. However, sprinting is a challenging sporting activity as it requires optimum anerobic fitness and power. The major muscles those are involved in sprinting include:
Quadriceps: these are muscles in front of the thighs and functions as a lever to raise the legs forward and upward. These muscles act in concert with hamstrings to propel the runner forward with optimum speed and power. The stronger the quadriceps, the faster is the ability to sprint. It originates from rectum femoris and end in quadriceps tendons.
Hamstring: These are agonistic muscles of the quadriceps and are present at the back of the thighs. These muscles pull the leg backwards to enable the sprinter to generate force of the ground (push-off). Originates from the ischial tuberosity and inserts in the anteromedial surface of the proximal tibia.
Gluteus muscles: These muscles are present at the back of the highs and are antagonistic to the quadriceps and hamstrings. These muscles act when the quads and hamstrings are extended. It helps to stabilize quads and hamstrings and prevent injury in them. Originates from the upper part of t…

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