Nutrition and Diet Coursework

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Nutrition and Diet Coursework

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Nutrition and Diet

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Kipnis attempts to show the morality of providing healthcare to individuals that deny consent to doctors. The cases study highlights that the Korean patient refuses the physicians to administer further care. The individual holds various stereotypes about medical care that drive the decision (Palenci n.p.). The doctors become aware of the biases, and therefore they develop a dilemma on whether to proceed and treat the patient and accept the decision and let the Korean succumb to illness.
Using the ethics of care perspective, the doctors should treat the patient. The school of thought dictates that the physicians should offer attentiveness to the plight of the Korean. They should understand that the individual suffered under a repressive regime that caused the stereotypes. The doctors should talk to the patient about the situation and provide some assurance that they would provide quality medical care. The theory stipulates that the physicians should show some responsibility. That indicates that they should undertake more than their duties of administering medicine and conducting surgeries (Palenci n.p.). They should help the patient to develop a clear mind about the situation and subsequently provide medical attention.
On the other hand, the Kantian ethics provides that the doctors should respect the decision of the Korean patient. The school of thought focuses on autonomy. The physicians should show that they lack any ill…

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