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Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

The Necklace and Vanity Name UniversityThe Necklace by Guy de Maupassant is simple and straightforward, except that it teaches a valuable lesson. That lesson is: do not lie, be honest with everyone. If a person is honest, they will never have to spend 18000 francs to replace a necklace worth 500. Moreover, there is also a lesson about vanity. The purpose of the story is to demonstrate vanity and the value of honesty: no one in their right mind would ever spend so much on something that has so little practical use. Furthermore, one can save themselves a great deal of pain through honesty. One might imagine that someone could spend all their earnings on a fancy car, but at least the fancy car gets you places. A necklace does absolutely nothing but look nice, so there is a lesson here. We know that the husband accepts the demand of buying a new dress instead of buying a new gun for himself. Again, at least a gun may have practical uses. A dress makes you look nice. A necklace makes you look nice. Then again, this is all for the purpose of going to a ball, which is a social event. The main characters are Mathilde and her husband Loisel, they go through all this trouble to impress others at the ball. Moreo…

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