my favorite story

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my favorite story

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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The Phoenix
The Phoenix by Silvia Townsend is a timeless story about a young man called Lord Strawberry. He really needs a phoenix and does not give up until he find one. Unfortunately Strawberry dies and Poldero buys the bird with the main aim of making profit. Poldero is a greedy man who mistreats the phoenix and causes the death of several other people. Unlike many stories, The Phoenix though written any years ago, remains relevant today and is an interesting favourite piece to many people.
First, Silvia Townsend uses simple language that anyone can easily understand. She used a concept that is familiar to many; animals in cages to bring out the human need for chaos and their disregard for nature. Secondly, the story is rich in metaphors and symbolism making it interesting read. It manages to take us through many emotions; disgust, pity, shock all at once. Irony has been used artistically in the story. Third, the author emphasizes on the subject of greed which is a real issue in today’s world; greed has been and will always be a great vice. The need to take care of our resources is also emphasised since destroying nature affects the society at large. In today’s life, we can see the effect of such blind ambition through things such as global warming. The story was written in 1940, yet, after many years, its relevance cannot be ignored. It is a representation of literature that evolves with time.
The Phoenix is a c…

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