Music Essay

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Music Essay

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Music

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Response 1
I agree with you that this class has been helpful in the understanding of different music genres. As you said, I too used to listen to different types of music while hating others simply because it did not match with my area of interest. However, I am thankful for the class that I have a deeper understanding of music. I can listen to different types of music and analyze them critically. I am now fully aware of different musical styles from various musicians, which makes me appreciative of these genres. As mentioned earlier, I liked specific types of music thus; I was not able to enjoy the beauty and uniqueness of some types. Necessarily, there are various types of music genres and musicians mostly choose genres that they seem to understand fully. With the help of this class, one learns to appreciate music based on the genres and not based on musicians.
Response 2
Pop music was also a concept that I learned in this course. I knew they existed, but I never bother to get deep as I like a different kind of music. Notably, this class gives insight into music as a whole. One will understand different types of music, their construction and the importance of delivering that message in the right way. Whether one likes music or not, it’s likely that their attitude towards music will change. Everyone has their preference in music, but they are not limited to explore different other types of music. One will understand why so…

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