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Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: History

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Modernism can be defined as the global movement which was established in the first years of the 20th century. This movement revolved around social as well as cultural aspects of life. It was spearheaded by the industrial life which emerged in the early 1900s and escalated significantly in around 1913 and 1914 which was the year that world war 1 was starting (Colletta 185). Since this time was defined by extreme social, political, and to some extent economic changes in life, several people came up to talk about them. Musicians, authors together with artists emerged and began creating literary work expressing their views of the events which were taking place.
As World War 1 began, these literary work developers began creating their contents. The fact that war was taking place and different events including the economic fall down, social problems and political instability were taking place, artists were forced to change their approach to art. Imagery was automatically introduced in the art (Colletta 186). Authors wrote about the effects that the war had and tried to ensure that the content depicted the exact image of what happened.
Since “Belle Epoque”, a period of cultural as well as economical fluctuation was approaching in the late 1920s, many writers changed their focus in this area. Musicians were not left behind. They composed songs which focused on the events that were happenin…

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