Module 2 You as a Team Member (follow instructions closely) see attachments

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Module 2 You as a Team Member (follow instructions closely) see attachments

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Leadership

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

As a member of the local community group volunteering to help take care of children and babies at the local church nursery, there are various ways in which I make sure that my interaction with other team members is effective. People tend to believe what they see more than what they hear hence the face you put on when talking to someone will speak louder than the words you are saying (Hoover, 194). I always make sure I make eye contact with anyone am speaking to, smile and make a nod to show that I am listening to what they are saying. When speaking try to use the simplest vocabularies to prevent any misunderstanding from arising (Neuman & Wright, 376).
During my interaction with the team, I realized that deployment of sarcasm in communication results in miscommunications as not all people like being sarcastic. Also, I understood that the use of the directive “You” in a team makes other team members feel they are being communicated at instead of being communicated to. Instead of having a sarcastic approach, I should be straightforward when there is a problem and come up with reasonable solutions. Also instead of the “You” directive, I considered using more neutral terms before it. For example instead of “You should have arrived two hours ago” I used “It came to my attention that you arrived the last person.”
Sarcasm when excessively used can be seen as a personal attack, and it may even escalate a bad situation into a worse s…

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