Mod 3 Unit 3

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Mod 3 Unit 3

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Biology

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Analysis of Ode to the West Wind by Percy Bysshe Shelly
Percy Bysshe Shelly Poem Ode to the West Wind, an Ode is a form of lyric poetry praising something. In this poem, Shelly rain praises to the “west wind”. The poem follows a pattern known as terza rimaan Italian rhyme scheme famously used by Dante. Shelly beseeches the wind describing its power and roles as “destroyer and preserver” (13). He portrays the wind as the breath of the season of autumn which rustles the “dead leaves”. The west wind is a drive for change and regeneration in the human and natural world. Shelley uses the words “winged seeds” to represent images of flying and freedom. The only hindrance is they lay “cold and low” (7). He compares this with the feeling of being trapped. One cannot ignore the deliberate use of word “seed” this shows even in death new life will germinate. He shows how fighting for freedom is met with challenges” “dome of a vast sepulcher/ Vaulted with all they congregated might” (25). He views winter as the last stage of any situation including; civilization, religion, and revolution. Shelley observes that he can only reach his full potential by having the wind carry his “dead thought” (63) through the apocalyptic ruin. Only then will it rejuvenate. Shelly appeal to the wind to make him as swift and free as itself. The spring season is a metaphor for liberty and consciousness.
Shelley’s Ode to the West Wind…

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