Mid and Late Century Minority Writers

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Mid and Late Century Minority Writers

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 550

Course Title:
The Mid and the Late Century Minority Writers
Comparisons and Contrasts of Martin Luther and Malcolm X
Martin Luther King Jr was renowned for his ability to rally support for the achievement of the goals of the Civil Rights Movement. In August 1963, he addressed a massive crowd at the Lincoln Memorial and addressed the varied forms of exclusion, discrimination, and oppression facing the African-Americans. Of special concern for Luther Jr was his ability to rally African-Americans to boycott the Montgomery Public Transport after a black woman Mrs. Rosa Park was abused after refusing to heed to the local laws that barred African-Americans from sitting in the rear side of the city buses. Mrs. Rosa, after a long day at work, boarded the train and refused to respect the local ordinance that barred African-Americans from sitting in the rear side of the local buses. She was subjected to torture before being arraigned to the local courts for judgment and consequent prosecution. Shortly after this realization, Martin Luther King Jr rallied support for Mrs. Rosa and asked African-Americans to boycott all services of the Montgomery Public Transport. The thematic legacy for Luther was his ability to consistently further the interests of blacks during the Civil Rights Movement. And before his assassination by a fugitive named James Earl Ray in 4th April 1968, Luther had raised a strong black consciousness and revived discussions of racial cons…

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