Medicaid Program

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Medicaid Program

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Health

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Medicaid Program
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The Medicaid Program
Medicaid program is as a result of the combined efforts if the federal and state governments. The program is aimed at providing health coverage to many Americans including eligible small income earners, pregnant women, children, the disabled and the elderly (Medicaid, 2018). The Medicaid Program was a successor to the Medical Assistance for the Aged Act commonly known as the Kerr-Mills Act enacted in the year 1960 (FINE, 1998, p. 285). The Kerr-Mill act was not a success. In the year 1865, the Medicaid program was created.
The origin of the Medicaid program consists of two main parts; that is the federal government and the state government (ASPE, 2017). Upon the creation of the program, fifty or more percent of the funds were to come from the state while fifty or less percent of the funds were to come from the state. There was a problem however as different states were to decide the eligibility of their citizens who were to be part of the program.
Due to this, the level of care became somewhat biased as fewer people were eligible for this aid program in poor states which dedicated limited finances to the program. Despite these challenges, the program is still a success as it has expanded eligibility, increased its benefit to the benefactors and has led to several positive changes (Smith & Moore, 2005, p. 51). An example of increased eligibility was illustrated in the year 1972 when the …

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