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Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Biology

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

The human lumbar is made of five vertebral bones which are attached to the sacrum and involved in supporting different body functions. The structure is involved in supporting the body weight and can also provide a protective environment for nerves and nerve systems in the spinal code. A congenital abnormality known as lumbarization has been defined and present from birth (Deepa and Martin 1). The condition is characterized by lack of fusion between the sacral vertebra and the remaining part of the sacrum. The situation changes the structure of the spinal bones, creating an appearance of six lumbar vertebrae and four sacral vertebrae.
The condition is characterized by many clinical signs that affect normal life and movement of the patient due to pain. Typical clinical symptoms include movement associated pain which affects the ability of the victim to engage in normal daily life activities. Diagnosis of lumbarization involves the use of x-ray, a tool that provides image details of the spin from both the front and side view (Kamanli and Hakan 91). Diagnosis of obese individuals can be complicated with x-ray as the image is typically blurred, making CT scan the only helpful tool to apply. Diagnosis can also be made using MRI which provides details on the nerve related pains during movement.
Primary diagnosis with lumbarization is typically managed through the use of painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. However…

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