Lifestyle Diseases

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Lifestyle Diseases

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Biology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Lifestyle diseases
Lifestyle diseases, as the term describes are caused by the way someone lives. That means they are associated with today’s common sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise, alcohol, smoking, fatty foods and even drug abuse. These diseases are most common in developed and advanced countries while they are rare in underdeveloped countries due to their lack of technology or goods. Lifestyle diseases include atherosclerosis, obesity, type 2 diabetes, stroke, cancer and heart disease. It should be noted that heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in America, which is characterized by its abundance of goods, advanced technology and a hectic pace of life (Folta et al 1).
To begin with, these diseases differ from other conditions in plenty of ways. First of all, most of them are not hereditary or even if they are, a healthy way of living can overcome genetics in some cases. Second, they are not contagious. Moreover, they can be prevented with a correct lifestyle and exercise when there is not a strong genetic disposition. In addition, their effects and risks can be reduced through a proper change of diet and serious changes in lifestyle. That is possible if there is not much harm done yet, otherwise their impacts can be almost irreversible.
Nowadays, the vast majority of professions demand working long hours, often sitting in front of a computer since everything is driven by tech…

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