Letter to University

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Letter to University

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Education

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Name of recipient
Dear (Name of the recipient),
My name is (Name), and I am writing to state some of the incidences I underwent through back in 2015 that barred me from completing my application and hence not being able to continue with my studies. Early 2015 I was diagnosed with a back problem which needed immediate medical attention. The pain kept on increasing to the point where it became unbearable and urgent medical care was required. Completing my academics has always been my number one goal and being forced to suspend my dreams was a painful and torturous experience at the same time. With time the bills kept on increasing, and my parents were unable to cater for the entire treatment, and a part-time job I had was not generating enough income.
Consequently, to afford the medications, I was compelled to look for multiple jobs to complement what they could be able to provide. This took most of my time, and I could not juggle being both a student and working. As a result, I had to suspend my studies for a while. Currently, I am recuperating well from the back problems, and I have been given an assurance that everything is fine and chances of reoccurrence are next to nil. I am ready and fit to continue with my studies if granted the opportunity. I also guarantee you of proper discipline and exemplary performances in class and co-curricular activities if given a chance. With the skills I possess, I belie…

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