Letter to the Editor about Extincation of Tigers

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Letter to the Editor about Extincation of Tigers

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Student name
Dear editor
Extinction of Tigers
The population of tigers in the whole world has kept reducing consistently in the past years. This means that if this trend takes place at the same rate, the world will run out of tigers because all the subspecies of tigers remaining will have gone extinct. Initially, there were nine subspecies of tigers but as time went by, for a period of about 80 years only six subspecies are available. This is about a whole generation of wild animals going instinct in every twenty years. Imagine a world of big forests without tigers in them. It does not just add up.
Reports show that if all factors are held constant, there will be no tiger surviving in the whole world. This is so interesting and alarming at the same time. Why do we let poaching, fragmentation, and loss of habitat rob us our wild game? If within 70 years the world lost more than 95000 tigers, definitely the remaining species are going extinct sooner than later. Still, the remaining species are considered to be at high risk of becoming extinct. Who then is responsible for this? Perhaps we should get a union of governments with an agenda of preserving tigers all over the world just like we have an organization in charge of agriculture or something. Or any other relevant direction can be taken that will lead us there. Strategies must be put in place geared towards saving and protecting the only left species of tigers to maintain and even increase …

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