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Category: Essay

Subcategory: Media

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Language Universals
(Name)(Course)February 26, 2018
(Faculty)Language Universals
Despite the uniqueness and difference that most languages in the world have, several features are standard in all of them. Croft et al. (2017) state that all languages have a single origin characterized by proto-language and display similar universal traits. Also, Nivre (2015) argues from language contact theory that the standard features in languages are because of the influence that the languages had on each other as they evolve. The most common element found in all languages is the fact that they all have words that have pronunciations and meaning. In this context, we analyze the various language universals that are featured in all the languages around the world.
Lexicalization is a standard universal that is present in all language. The lexical universals include the concept of ‘I’ and ‘you.’ The English word you have been used in the most language as a term that covers both singular and plural. You in English, like tu and du in French and German respectively all are used in the same context. Also, Croft et al. (2017) state that in all the languages, the reflexive forms of the words you are polysemous. Other lexical examples include the concept of biological mother. The word mother is universal in all languages, and despite not having the same range of meaning in all the languages, its core purpose is still the same for all the languages.
Another language universal feature of …

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