knowledge mapping techniques in knowledge management

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knowledge mapping techniques in knowledge management

Category: Essay Outline

Subcategory: Management

Level: Academic

Pages: 10

Words: 2750

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Knowledge mapping is among popular methods used primarily by organizations to identify and sort information in their systems. When the techniques of knowledge mapping are applied, a complex and broad set of informative resources can be found and navigated in an easy manner. In recent times, the aspect of knowledge mapping has attracted the attention of managers as a tool for assessment with the capability of measuring conceptual understanding in depth and allows the experts in an organization to classify the relationships between concepts in a particular domain visually. The critical issue at hand for the organizations is to decide and choose which technique of knowledge mapping to utilize. With the application of some frameworks, the organizations are also able to compare and contrast the different types of knowledge mapping techniques and choose the one that best fits the particular organization.
This paper’s primary focus is to explore the various kinds of knowledge mapping techniques and give an overview of the contexts to have a manner of deciding on an appropriate mapping method. It tries to illustrate which types of mapping techniques are appropriate, where and why they should be applied, and how they can be managed. This paper is based on a comprehensive review of the recent articles on the techniques of knowledge mapping and also attempt to clarify the differences between the various knowledge …

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