journal entry-

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journal entry-

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Psychology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Journal Entry
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Journal Entry
A dream that has often recurred to me is falling from either a cliff, a building or from a bridge. The fall does not necessarily reach the ground, but I often find myself going down at a fast speed but not reaching the destination. A myth affiliated with the dream is that, when one hits the ground when falling, he or she dies; which is a false analogy (Dream Moods, 2018). As per the Dream Moods website, a dream where one is falling illustrates feelings of anxiety, instability, and insecurity (Dream Moods, 2018). The related aspect is that one feels overwhelmed and overpowered in managing a particular situation in the real-life setting. The instability is perceived to illustrate how one feels in his or her relationship or about an employment situation. Also, according to the website, the falling implies that one is unable to hold onto anything or gain support such that he or she lacks control when falling (Dream Moods, 2018). According to Gould (2017) in an article in the Huffington Post, a dream where one is falling is symbolic as it points out an area in real life of the dreamer where he or she feels overpowered or unable to control a situation. It is advised for the dreamer to reflect on the events taking place in his or her life that makes him, or her feel overwhelmed such that it becomes easier to get insight on how to manage a situation (Gould, 2017). From an individual viewpoint, the interpretati…

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