John proctor a tragic hero

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John proctor a tragic hero

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

John Proctor a Tragic Hero
A tragic hero can be defined as an honorable individual that makes an error in passing judgment and ends up suffering. John Proctor is a main character in the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller. Although this character was a married man, he went ahead and had an affair with Abigail. John thought that that was a onetime thing that was a mistake and would never reoccur.
Unfortunately for him, Abigail wanted more commitment, and as a result, she decided that the only way of achieving her desires was by eliminating John’s wife. In as much as John was a nice person, a big problem arose from his small mistake. According to the setting of the play Salem was against witchcraft, and those found guilty were persecuted.
Abigail plotted against Elizabeth to accuse her of being a witch (Bradford). On hearing this John was hesitant in standing with his wife and arguing that the accusations were all false. Not telling the court that Abigail was lying was the second mistake that John Proctor did.
He was trying to protect Abigail from facing the penalty of planting false evidence against an innocent individual. Also, John did not argue because he did not want the cheating issue to come into light. But things escalated further and on seeing that Elizabeth was also brought to book the tragic hero decided to confess to having participated in witchcraft. The judges are left with no option but sentence him to be hanged. Therefore,…

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