Jazz at work

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Jazz at work

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

English: Jazz at work
The Jazz Metaphor in Organisational Behaviour
Jazz music is a composition of different instruments working in concert to produce a smooth, harmonious melody. Jazz is an art form that is highly dependent on teamwork and synchronized energy. The wholesome sound of a jazz group is greater than the sum of each player. A jazz ensemble consists of a lead instrumentalist whom the rest of the group follows. The lead position is often interchangeable, with different musical instruments coming to the fore of the sound. Improvisation is at the heart of a jazz orchestra. A good jazz musician needs to have the ability to improvise and adapt their style to rhyme to the melody in play.
1. Why the jazz metaphor approach works for teamwork
Jazz serves as the perfect metaphor for teamwork and team building in organizations. The dedication and synchronization that is achieved through rehearsal apply in teams in any organization. Each member of a team needs to know and play their part well to meet the organization’s objectives. Any team needs a leader to give direction to the activities, just as it is in a jazz orchestra. Team members need to trust and follow their lead for the team to be successful.
2. How jazz can be useful to teamwork
Team members learn to be risk takers, just as jazz musicians. A resourceful team player requires the courage to operate outside of their comfort zone, as long as it’s for the organization’s best interest. …

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