International Treaties

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International Treaties

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Political Science

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

International Treaties
Institutional Affiliation
Various continents or group of countries have their unique trade blocks or unions. In particular, the European Union has formed out a need to create peace and unity between France and Germany after World War II (Wilkinson, 2017). Before then, the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) had started uniting European countries politically and economically (Wilkinson, 2017). The six states that began the ECSC were the Netherlands, Luxemburg, Italy, France, West Germany, and Belgium. Through the success of this block and following the impact of World War II, European countries saw a need to form a working union; especially, given the recurrent differences between France and Germany. Indeed, it was the visionary founding fathers who saw a need to create the union, which is now one of the strongest economic blocks in the world. It is argued that most of Europe have prospered due to the existence of peace and stability resulting from the European Union (Wilkinson, 2017).

Subsequently, the European Union also has the unique objectives that it aimed to achieve and are still striving to realize. For nations joining the European Union, the primary goals are to get into a unity that advocates for the promotion of peace as well as the wellbeing of its citizens. Second, the European Union is an area of security, freedom, and justice devoid of internal frontiers; therefore, all nations joining must foster these sentiments (Wilkin…

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