importance of listening

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importance of listening

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Communication

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Professor’s Name
Importance of Listening
Critical listening is a type of listening which involves analysis, critical thinking, and judgment. In terms of online critical listening, it involves not just receiving information and then retaining it but also thinking about its authenticity, credibility and the effect it may have to certain people. Despite it being the most discouraged way of thinking, it is rather advisable in the online world where there are a multitude of qualities required to be a skilled listener.
By being an exceptional listener, one is able to understand the feelings of his audience. By knowing what the audience wants then a speaker could address those desires and truly reach their audience. Effective listening enables one to catch the key points of a speech. The audience can be able to ask relevant questions, and the speaker can answer them with ease CITATION EHa01 l 1033 (Harry and Edwin).
The top causes of poor listening skills include jumping to conclusions. This can be as a result of having a topic repeated to you or not liking certain aspects of the speaker. Another issue is poor concentration. This can be caused by distractions such as phones and even people. Poor listening skills are also enabled by a lack of prioritization. When listening to someone, all of one’s attention should be on that person and not other items. One also may focus on the style of presentation of speech instead of the content that the speech cal…

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