I am a law student

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I am a law student

Category: Admission Essay

Subcategory: Criminal law

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Intellectually Engaging
I am a law student. I started developing an interest in law since I was very young. At the age of 10, I could follow up on the legal cases appearing in the news. Particularly, I have always been curious to understand the process followed in making legal judgments. When I became 15 years old, I started going to the nearest courts to listen as the lawyers argued with their fellow lawyers of defense. One thing that has always baffled me, is when a lawyer is defending a criminal, he or she always knows that this person has committed crimes and he should be punished. However, they will always stand in front of a judge and present all the evidence they can to vindicate their clients.
I never stop to ask myself a string of questions. Are lawyers advocates of crime? Are they the reason why there are crimes in society? Will the offended person ever get justice? These are among the many questions that get me thinking. I say to myself that this is not what I want to do. I don’t want to become a lawyer to defend criminals. But then, this is part of the job. It’s my passion, and it’s the career I want. However, I have to be a different type of lawyer: a lawyer who will not only represent my client well and to the best of their interests, but one who will also intervene to make sure that the level of crime in the society goes down. Having represented and won a case for a person who committed a crime, I…

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