Human Resources Management (HRM)

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Human Resources Management (HRM)

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Human Resources

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Discussion 1: The state of Democracy in the Public Sector
The existing conflict between the public sector and collective bargaining shows itself in a number of ways. To start with, the laws governing bargaining have divided authority between the government and private entities (Ahlquist, 2012). These private entities are not democratically elected by the public and do not give an account of their progress to the public. This situation reduces democracy as it determines the nature and extent to which their democratically elected leaders determine federal government benefits (Lindloff, 2016). The second scenario in which democracy is reduced is through bargaining statutes where the exercise of public democracy has been restructured. This has reduced democracy since it eliminates public participation in government matter over the public sector (Ahlquist, 2012). Basically, the anti-democratic public characteristic is easily shown by the constant conflicts existing in the sector. The bargaining laws in the public sectors are not favorable to society.
Discussion 2: Case decision
In this part, Fallbrook Hospital case is considered where the employer engaged in bad faith bargaining through the following ways. First, they declined to submit either proposal during eight consecutive bargaining (Vasilev, 2015). This forced the union to submit the whole contract proposal. Secondly, they at an early age left two of the total of eleven barga…

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