How my Childhood transformed my overall Personality

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How my Childhood transformed my overall Personality

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Composition

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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How my Childhood transformed my overall Personality
Every single person has that point in life where some key factor played a significant role in escalating the general behavior and personality. Just as it goes, the steps followed in childhood and characters learned during childhood are hard to forget even after growing and maturing up.
I grew up in a very humble beginning where my mum used to wake up very early and go to the streets to find any menial job to accomplish just for the sake of bringing food to the table. My dad had passed away when I was barely one, and hence I did not have the opportunity to experience his fatherly love. With such tribulations, my mother always taught me on good morals whatever the circumstance. She forever insisted on being honest and trustworthy even when it seemed no one is my steps. All this she alluded to the fact that there always exists God above everyone who can see all human actions and hence offer judgment according to one’s doing. Additionally, regardless of the poverty that surrounded us, I learned the virtue of honesty from my mother. In many instances, I would see how she remained truthful and trustworthy to her masters even when it deemed difficult considering the numerous temptations that would arise.
Today, my character is mostly attributed to the humble beginnings that transformed me to be readily acceptable by most people and the society at large. Each time I pause and meditate…

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