How do you treat PTSD in adults? How do you treat in children?

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How do you treat PTSD in adults? How do you treat in children?

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Psychology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Student’s Name

How Do You Treat PTSD in Adults?
A range of psychological treatments is currently being used for the treatment of PSTD victims. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) describes the relationships between emotions, thoughts, and behaviors (Javidi& Yadollahie, 2011). It seeks to draw out and explain how beliefs, emotions, and behaviors can be changed and the process of their acquisition. For those diagnosed with PSTD, CBT techniques aim at changing the distressing emotions through a change in beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors. As such, there is exposure to the factors causing trauma such as memories in a bid to confront the causative agent. This helps reduce the emotional intensity. Also, the treatment is inclusive of programs teaching on stress management skills. Coping with stress is beneficial in building up the ability of an individual to manage anxiety and as such, eventual management of PSTD (Javidi& Yadollahie, 2011). In addition, supportive therapy is an essential mechanism for the treatment as the diagnosed adult can eventually focus on their inner traits thus clearly having a deeper self-understanding. This is essential in finding personal strengths for coping efficiently. As it is, the treatment is mainly in two forms. One aspect deals with a focus on the trauma while the other form is towards stress management (Javidi& Yadollahie, 2011).
How Is It Treated in Children?
Children who have been …

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