Health education and promotion

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Health education and promotion

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Biology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Health Education and Promotion is a social science that is centred on promotion of health and prevention of diseases, premature deaths, and disabilities through mass education. This field can come in handy through helping the United Nation to realize new 17 Sustainable developmental goals (SDG’s) to be achieved by 2030. The specific goal that adequately fits in with Health Education and Promotion is Goal 3, which is, Good Health and Well-being (“#Envision2030: 17 Goals To Transform The World For Persons With Disabilities | United Nations Enable”). The target of this goal is to reduce mortality rates especially infant deaths provide adequate treatment and prevent drug abuse, provision of sexual health care services, supporting research and development off vaccines among others.
Therefore, health education and promotion section can assist the UNDP to asses individual and community needs that will assist the UNDP to know the specific needs of different communities so that they are able to focus on them. After this, the team can plan and formulate health education programs as well as implementing them. This goes hand in hand with provision of personnel for this task that will conduct, manage, and evaluate the programs. Even more, they can mobilize and develop mass media campaigns the communities to take up safe and hygienic practices that will go a long way in prevention and reduction of deaths.
For a more productive outcome, the health edu…

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