Global Temperatures

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Global Temperatures

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Ecology

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Global Temperatures
Institutional Affiliation
Ivory gull (Pegophila eburnea) is an endangered species, thanks to the global warming menace and its relative impacts. These birds are predominantly found in the Arctic region. They rarely move down south past the Bering Sea. The ivory gulls make large nests of lichen, moss, seaweed, and dry grass. During the winter and early spring when food is scarce, the foraging Caribou feed on their nests. The ivory gulls are primarily dependent on the glaciers and sea ice for food foraging and nesting (Ivory Gull, n.d.). They thrive along ice edges where they feed on fish, shellfish, and the remnants of the seals that are left by polar bears. For long, these birds were primarily threatened by diamond mining disturbances and illegal hunting in the Canadian Arctic. However, over the past few years, the effects of global warming have begun taking a toll on them leading to their fast decline in numbers.The decline in the Arctic sea ice because of global warming has significantly affected ivory gulls’ populations, sending them far and long distances to search for food. These birds mainly depend on ice as a source of food. And with the amount of ice in Greenland fast depleting, these birds have been forced to travel long distances in search of food in places which might have many impacts on their populations (Melting ice is affecting ivory gulls, 2016). In addition to that, the loss of their natural habitats because of the impacts of g…

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