Genetics assignment

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Genetics assignment

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Biology

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 550

Genetics Assignment
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Genetics Assignment
Genetic Tests Before Conception
Tests such as the Counsyl Family Prep Screen 2.0 which is designed to determine the presence of lethal genes for over 105 genetic conditions can be used before conception. 23andMe tests are also commonly used in pre-pregnancy genetic tests and can determine lethal genes in the saliva of the parents.
The use of the Counsyl Family Prep Screen provides detailed information on the genetic situation of both parents. The test can detect the presence of recessive genes for cystic fibrosis, Tay-Sachs disease, and even enzyme deficiency syndromes. The use of the 23andMe test also helps in diagnosing the presence of genetic conditions or identifying risky genes mutations common with cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia among other disorders.
The Counsyl test is based on the full genome sequencing applications that are increasingly being applied in genetic testing. Blood collected is used for genomic DNA isolation which is subsequently sequenced and analyzed for exome mutations that can be inherited and increase risks of disorders (Saukko, 2004). The 23andMe test is noninvasive and uses parent saliva which can easily be conducted without visiting a hospital. The test also applies whole genome sequencing using epithelial cells from the saliva.
The Counsyl test is relatively expensive, with an average of $995 per test for a single parent and an additional $775 if bo…

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