Game Theory

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Game Theory

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: International Relations

Level: PhD

Pages: 1

Words: 550

Game Theory
Institutional affiliation

Game Theory
Game theory provides tools for the analysis of situations in which players make interdependent decisions. The interdependence leads to players considering the possible decisions of the others while formulating their strategies. On the other hand, a solution to a game illustrates the players’ optimal decisions which at times may have mixed interests, similar, or opposed outcomes that arise from the strategies adopted. Game theory is applied in various sectors, for example, international relations. In international relations, countries have a military, and in this game, each player anticipates the moves of their opponents. Game theory supplements the strategic decision-making process and the aspects that the players control since they do not occur by chance but interact to affect the results. Different games apply to different situations which contain various concepts that lead to the solution of the game. The analyses of different concepts lead to the solution of the decision problem during optimization.
The set of players, in this case, are two countries N and S which adopt different strategies during the time of war or conflict. The two nations’ strategic interactions and their actions affect the outcome of each country, and they are aware of that. However, the countries have well-defined objectives over the underlying outcomes which make them adopt the best strategies to pursue them. During times of war, …

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