Free Education

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Free Education

Category: Essay

Subcategory: IT Technology

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

College Education Should be Free for EveryoneIntroduction
In the current society, you cannot survive without education.
Success can be interpreted in various ways. For some it can be settling down and having a family, for others it may be successfully implementing a business idea. For most individuals, success is going through college and getting a degree. The cost of living is not favorable either, and most individuals cannot afford the luxury of going through college and achieving their dreams.
The government should institutionalize free education to produce more qualified personnel, to curb the issue of high unemployment rates and crime in the country.
Increase the number of qualified personnel.
Free education will ensure that an individual does a course of choice without being limited by their financial status.
According to Schunk et al. (2), Germany was known for producing highly trained and passionate engineers until it started charging for tuition fees.
Free education allows more people to enroll for courses in the colleges and university hence increasing the number of graduates.
Reduce high rates unemployment
Expensive tuition fees limit students to courses that are not very competitive in the job market.
According to Schunk et al. (4), the cheaper courses are highly populated with students resulting in a large number of graduates targeting the limited job opportunities within their area of expertise.
The high number of unem…

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