For Children Divorce is better than seeing their Parents at War.

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For Children Divorce is better than seeing their Parents at War.

Category: Lab Report

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Instructor’s name:
23 November 2015
For Children Divorce is better than seeing their Parents at War
Most people are misled to believe that divorcing does the kids more harm than staying together in a hostile relationship (Kendler 55). Many generations of parents have followed this advice and hoped that the sacrifices they made would yield better fruits for their children in the end. In fact, many parents living in the 21st century still believe that sticking to the partner, despite the ugly confrontations that might erupt right before the children, is better than divorcing (Kendler 59). This paper briefly discusses the reason this notion is wrong and tries to explain why the opposite might just be right.
Two recent studies revealed that even moderate degrees of conflict between the parents do affect the children (Kelly and Emery 352). These conflicts were discovered to be changing their sleep patterns and arousing negative attitudes in them as they go about their day to day activities (Kelly and Emery 356). According to the study, the confrontations do not have to be violent for the children to be disturbed (Kelly and Emery 357). Even when parents do not talk to each other, the children can detect the bad blood between them. That alone was found to deprive them of thirty minutes of sleep every night (Kelly and Emery 359). In one of the studies, children who grew up in families with troubled marriages were interviewed to see if they did get used to th…

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