Food Progression for Infants

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Food Progression for Infants

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Nutrition and Diet

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Food Progression for Infants
Healthy feeding for infants and toddlers is necessary to promote healthy growth and development. Infants should be given only breast milk or formula during the first six months of infancy period since breast milk contains all the necessary nutrients for optimal infant’s growth as well as boosting the immune system (Pérez-Escamilla). However, the breast milk contains a low amount of vitamin D necessitating the need for daily supplementation with 400 IU of the vitamin in exclusive breastfeeding. Solid foods should be gradually introduced between 4 and 6 months when the baby starts showing the developmental signs of eating solid food while breastfeeding is continued for at least a year. When a baby reaches 7 – 8 months, they should be introduced to different food types including vegetables, grains, and protein among others. Foods of little value such as those containing high amounts of sugar, salt or fat should be avoided as they can result in overweight (Pérez-Escamilla). Chopped, minced and finger foods can be introduced between 8 and 12 months with different food textures enhancing the development of chewing skills, and vegetable and fruit consumption should be maintained after introducing finger foods.

Works cited
Pérez-Escamilla, R., Segura-Pérez, S., & Lott, M. (2017). Feeding guidelines for infants and young toddlers: A responsive parenting approach. Nutrition Today, 52(5), 223-231.

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