follow attachement

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follow attachement

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Communication

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Instructor’s Name:
1. What type of case study is this?
According to this essay, the case study mainly lays its focus on the setbacks that Nigeria faces due to insecurity issues which require being addressed instantly. Security is considered as the pillar for every nation’s development. Civil wars in the country lead to numerous challenges. For instance, many individuals migrate from rural to urban areas in search for safer areas as well as employment opportunities. It leads to overpopulation and social evils in such areas due to the rates of unemployment in the country.
2. What type of case study design is this?
Nigeria is rated among the poorest countries’ globally according to the statistics carried out by the practitioners. There are many conflicts between the neighboring communities which hinder the country’s development. (Ashford, 815). Moreover, there is an insurgent group known as Boko Haram in the Northern part of the country which is well known for terrorizing the citizens. As such, human security is often subjected to political, economic and social threats. This is still off the question. 3. What are the benefits of conducting this case study (to everyday citizens and to science)?
The government should enhance measures to eradicate security issues in the country. Funds should be offered to entrepreneurs in the country to encourage innovation. It could assist in the creation of employment opportunities. Also…

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