Five Paragraphs

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Five Paragraphs

Category: Creative writing

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 550

Five Paragraphs
Alice Fairchild was the epitome of cautious. She had taken a summer course in cybersecurity 2009 and learned about several disturbing facts about the digital age. For instance, there was a growing trend of Russians hacking American businesses knowing that there are no extradition laws between the two countries. A business whose system was hacked had to pay a certain amount of money to regain control of their system. Additionally, one of her friends had fallen victim of social engineering where she revealed the administrative password of her workplace. Her friend lost her job and livelihood due to the events. Also, she learned of security threats like denial of service, botnet, phishing, cross-site scripting, SQL injection, and trolling, among many others. These threats contributed to Alice paranoia with technology or anything related to the internet.
Nearly a decade later, Alice’s son convinced her to purchase and use a computer and smartphone. She was amazed at the significant improvements to the user interface. The last time she had used a computer, there were barely any decorations and controls were limited to the most basic tasks. The use of hyperlinks in documents content perplexed her. Every program had an attractive menu, multiple buttons, and a text box could be used to type free text. The browsers allowed the use of links to access web pages. Some of the links allow mouseover behavior, but there are UI issues whereby it was difficult to make th…

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