First State Bank

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First State Bank

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Medicine

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Task forces/ meetings
Task forces are made up members who work together to achieve set objectives. These members are supposed to pool ideas and funds towards this project. This group of people is expected to disband after accomplishing its objective. The main purpose of taskforces is to incorporate the ideas of the organization with the community work being done.
Creating a successful task force requires more than asking people to join you. Critical thinking is essential when identifying the right members and the process design. Instead of using committees, organizations are encouraged to use task forces as they add more value to the organization. But more value is realized when you strategically choose a taskforce and a process design. To choose the right and effective task force you should; state the objective, define the expected outcome, the amount time is given to task force work, problem-solving methodologies, taskforce members and duties of the task force (Greenberg et al., 34).
Analyzing of formal and informal relationships in an organization helps to shape the strategy and objective. It maximizes information exchange within the organization which makes a business more sustainable and effective. Organizational network analysis is an organized way of envisioning how people in an organization pass information from one person to another. It also involves analyzing the process of decision making and the people who are involve…

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