Final report

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Final report

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Music

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Jimi Hendrix “Fire” Live Stockholm Sweden 1969
Jimi Hendrix “Fire” Live Stockholm Sweden 1969 is among the praised music in the world. Listening to the music or watching the video one can see the passion in Jimi Hendrix not only for the music but also for the instruments. The melody gets stuck in the mind after watching the video several times since it is easy to recall. Also, after watching the video and hearing the melody, I could recognize the theme in the music. One can hear the snare of the drum throughout the music piece from one of the background performers. Similarly, I could also hear Jimi Hendrix slide his fingers on his musical instrument, the guitar, which creates a raspy sound to the ears.
As I listen, I could hear the themes throughout the music as well as Jimi Hendrix’s voice that remains at the same pitch most of the time. When considering the theme and melody, it is also essential to factor in the harmony since it plays a significant role. However, the harmony contains aspects of dissonance since there is tension established between the intervals that are resolved by a consonance. In my view, rhythm plays a significant role in composing the piece since it provides continuity due to repletion. As I listen to the movement, the song creates technicolour for me maybe due to the presence of dissonance in its composition. I can describe the textures in the instruments as thin due to the waveform…

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