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Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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The minor character with a significant role
Raynell Maxson, daughter to Alberta and Troy, is the minor character that plays a significant role in the play. Although she is introduced as an illegitimate child, Rose realizes her innocence and need for care. She, therefore, takes up Raynell as her child even though Raynell is a symbol of Troy’s mistakes. She, however, is the only child that lives with few scars from Troy and represents future hope.
Gender roles in the play
The three female characters in the play are Rose, Bonnie, and Lucille. The play brings out the typical functions of women by focusing on Troy’s family, in a husband-wife relationship, and as a mother. In act 1, scene 1, we see the exclusion of women from other things that are not necessarily about house chores and taking care of children. Rose from the kitchen tries to join the conversion of Troy and Bono, starts by asking, “What you all here getting into?” She gets an uninviting answer from Troy, “What you worried about what we getting into for? This is men talk, woman.” Also, when Bono mentions his wife Lucille he says, “…But Lucille say she cooking up a pot of pigfeet.” (Menson-Furr n.p)
Another role that emerges in the play is that of women being subservient to men, accepting the men’s superiority of men over them. This role arises from Troy’s message to Rose, “Well go on back in the house and let me finish what we was talking about. This …

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