Fashion and Trends

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Fashion and Trends

Category: Creative writing

Subcategory: Criminal law

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Professor’s Name
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A fashion blogger mainly known for her street fashion trends as well as covering fashion in design houses.
Interview 1: Fashion
What is fashion?
Fashion is beauty and creativity that brings out the best in a person. Different people may have different fashion senses. A person’s sense of style may be from inspirations, working environments or even peer pressure.
As a fashion blogger, where do you get inspiration on what to wear?
I would say social media has a significant role regarding getting my inspiration. Through networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest, it is possible to get information on various fashion trends and also how to blend different designs.
What is your comment on the current fashion industry?
There is extra pressure on the youth as well as celebrities to deliver regarding their fashion sense. Therefore, in this day and age, the fashion industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in the world.
What is the major misconception about fashion?
A major misconception is that fashion regarding dressing well and elegantly is expensive which is not the case. You can easily find cheaper brands or second-hand clothes and still maintain your fashion sense.
Interview 2: Trends
How do current trends affect your style?
I have a passion for street fashion and trends, and therefore I do my best to keep up with the latest trends. Since trends keep on changing, I try as much as pos…

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