Facebook privacy and civil liberty

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Facebook privacy and civil liberty

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Criminal law

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 550

Facebook Privacy and Civil Liberty
The recent data breach on Facebook carried out by the Cambridge Analytica led to about 50 million Facebook users having their personal information used without their consent (Ozer and Conley 1). As a result, Judicial, civil rights and organizations such as the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and Color of Change have gone public to advocate for changes to be made on the Facebook Privacy policy. The demands from the human rights and civil unions have made Facebook consider reviewing its privacy policy and making changes that will ensure cases of breach such as that done by Cambridge Analytica do not reoccur.
As an approach to deal with the issues, Facebook has been forced to have their policy permit the users to have control over all their personal information such that none of it is shared without their consent. According to Richards (77), civil rights movement are have been pushing to have the social sites provide a meaningful ability for their users to opt out of having their information accessed with any third party including the information such as usernames and profile pictures that are categorized as “publicly available.” An example is a case of introducing the “nuclear option” where all the users are required to turn off all applications functionalities. Practically, through the option, the users who have privacy concerns are in a position to forego using applications they do not have what to ac…

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