Explaining a concept

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Explaining a concept

Category: Assignment

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 2

Words: 550

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English 101
Explaining a concept
Freedom is something everyone in the world looks for in the time of living under the sun. Freedom is the aspect of being free and able to do things in your style without interruptions. It is the idea that you are free from the control of anyone or any party in the course of perfecting your activities. Freedom has its advantages and disadvantages as it is one of the most important elements of human life that many seek on a daily basis. The lack of liberty in life is the leading cause of conflict between different parties in the search for its manifestation (Largen).
Freedom is something that comes in various ways. Freedom at times can be the aspect of self-recognition that gives one the opportunity to do things as per his/her way (Jeffreys). It is the aspect that renders one the self-drive that is free from the control of anyone except his or her abilities. The idea of being free gives one the ability to control the influence people. It is an essential aspect that you will find worth culturing since it will facilitate self-recognition and development.
Freedom in the society is vital since it helps in creating independence and self-reliance. Freedom may be regarding social, political or economical. It all depends on what type of environment you live in as an individual. Society requires freedom as one of the essential ingredients for development (Jeffreys). Political liberty in the communi…

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