existence of evil

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existence of evil

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Philosophy

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Do You Think That There Is Something Such As Evil and Reasons?
The problem, on the existence of evil, can be explained from different viewpoints. Firstly, the presence of God can be related to the presence of a good God. For example, if such a God indeed existed, then evil would not exist on earth. Instead, it would be similar to heaven where various religious accounts demonstrate that there is no evil. Besides, sin can be related to the availability of an Omnipotent, and ever available God (Tooley 1). If Such a God existed, then aspects of heaven, where there is no evil would be similar to Earth. However, some say that evil exists so that humans could have free will.
Is All Suffering Evil?
Although evil is the general root of suffering, not all pain is attributed to evil. Natural evil, consisting of disasters, earthquakes, and tsunamis are beyond human understanding.
What about Suffering Caused By Natural Disasters, Animals, and Viruses?
Natural disaster, Animals and viruses are examples of aspects that cause a lot of pain to human beings. In regards to the same, some believe that if God indeed exists, such catastrophes would not exist. On the other hand, good God would not let small children, and other people suffer from diseases, and other disasters mentioned before. On the other side, such catastrophes are due to free will, or through which man pays for sin. Such accounts, as captured in various religious books justify the e…

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