Ecosystems and Evolutions

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Ecosystems and Evolutions

Category: Creative writing

Subcategory: Ecology

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Ecosystems and Evolutions
The impacts of invasive species in Florida are far-reaching and are often classified as either social, economic, or environmental. Economic impacts are those that pose direct implications to people, especially those that cause monetary losses. Environmental implications are those that disrupt the structure and function of Florida’s ecosystem by facilitating the loss of unique habitats. Finally, social implications are those that have direct impacts on human safety and health. This paper, therefore, looks at the social, economic, and environmental implications of invasive species like the Cuban tree frog, lionfish, the monk parakeet, Burmese python, hydrilla, and fern fronds.
The invasive species in Florida present a variety of environmental implications because of their tendency to disrupt the local environment and biodiversity. For example, the Cuban tree frog is known to disrupt the State’s natural ecosystem by eating native frogs and competing with other local organisms for resources. Another species of the Florida coast, the lionfish also negatively impacts on the environment of the region by devouring other fish and competing with native predators for food, hence threatening the biodiversity of Florida waters (“9 Investigates the Effects of Invasive Species in Florida”). Finally, hydrilla, an invasive plant is known to kill sea life by inhibiting sunlight penetration.
Invasive species also pose numerou…

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