Drawing Conclusions: What Are Different Types of Genetic Disorders?

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Drawing Conclusions: What Are Different Types of Genetic Disorders?

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Biology

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Different Types of Genetic Disorders -HoloprosencephalyName
Different Types of Genetic Disorders -HoloprosencephalyHoloprosencephaly is a structural disorder of the brain which occurs when the brain fails to divide into the left and right hemisphere. Early child development periods.it can affect both the brain and the face. It is a genetic disease that includes continuum malformations of the lobar, middle interhemispheric variant type HPE and semi-lobar. Holoprosencephaly (HPE)is caused by some types of chromosomal abnormalities, and mutation. The risk of the family getting HPE depends on specific causes of HPE in the family. It occurs when HPE is passed in an autosomal dominant mode from the parent to the child. If mutation or change occurs in a copy of the responsible gene, then each cell is enough to cause the condition in the individual and the successive generations.
In cases where the parents have autosomal dominant nonsyndromic HPE, the children have got high chances of contracting the disease. Whereas those whose parents received the disease through a mutation that leads to autosomal dominant of HPE have got 50% risk of inheriting the disease from the parent (Singh, Sharma, Agarwal & Kalra, 2018). For instance, individuals with severe malformation such as lobar holoprosencephaly suffers the problem of mental retardation and other illnesses that are difficult to treat. The condition is also associated with the problems of facial malformations of …

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