Does the water content differ in organic and non-organic fruits and vegetable?

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Does the water content differ in organic and non-organic fruits and vegetable?

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Biology

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 550

Water content in organic and non-organic fruits and vegetables
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University Affiliation

Organic and non-organic foods today flood the market in non-equal proportions and this has presented concerns about their nutritional and health values. While multiple studies have found no significant difference in nutritional difference in their nutritional benefits, there is no information on the difference or similarity in the water contents of the two categories of fruits and vegetables. Sports personalities are expected to eat well to be able to perform and remain healthy at all times. Fruits and vegetables remain a significant component of the diet of athletes and understanding the safety of organic and non-organic foods is critical. In this investigation, therefore, the difference in water content between organic and non-organic fruits and vegetables will be evaluated. The use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides and other drugs may increase the level of chemical content in the water of non-organic fruits and vegetables as compared to organic products. Therefore, they may be unsafe for use by sports personalities interested in maintaining a healthy lifestyle devoid of chemicals that can affect their performance and strength.

The significance of the Investigation
Consumption of organic foods provides some health benefits including the high content of antioxidants as compared to regular or non-organic foods. Most regular diets hav…

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