disscusion answer

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disscusion answer

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Psychology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Discussion: Self-Help Groups
Self-help groups are collections of peers. The word “peer” means people are sharing similar experiences or having similar backgrounds (Naparstek et al. 81). For example, an elderly person looking for grief support is much more likely to feel at ease in a group of individuals with similar age and similar life experiences. The self-help groups also have a friendly setting and participants tend to enjoy the best experiences when they feel like a part of the group (Naparstek et al. 81).
The purpose of self-help groups is to create an informal setting. The rationale is that people are much more likely to share their experiences in an open setting, where they do not see formal repercussions for their participation (Doyle 95). Lack of formality is only as useful as people in the group see their setting as informal (Doyle 96). Therefore, while most of these groups include a professional to help steer the group activities in a positive direction, professionalism requires a complete relaxation. An assertive presence can defeat the purpose of the group (Naparstek et al. 81). These groups operate under an assumption that sharing an experience with peers is an empowering experience. After sharing, a person is supposed to find the courage to overcome their problem.
An underlying problem in participants is an exciting component of self-help. The nature of a problem is not as crucial as having a hom…

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