Discussion on Philosophical and Religious Texts

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Discussion on Philosophical and Religious Texts

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Discussion on Religious and Philosophical Works
The Plato’s Allegory of Th Cave perfectly and clearly describes the exact definition of the general human life. The work describes life in different dimensions ranging from growth, community, education to government. The prisoners represent the mare human race at large, the cave together with the chains represents the daily human life accompanied by the challenges. The people walking behind the prisoners are the government officials and politicians. The wall is figuratively used to describe the media at large. The book carried and its shadow reflected on the wall shows how politicians talk mostly in media houses to encouraging people to do what they do not uphold. The prisoners blindly follow and believe whatever is reflected on the wall although they do not have a clear view of what is in the real object just as humans blindly follow the politician, in fact, it is clear that the prisoners assigned prestige to those who could recall most details about the unclear shapes.
Bound by chains of ignorance they are not even allowed to turn their necks (Roemmich,1983) to notice the fire just right behind them with the light representing the brighter side of life. An example is whenever Government officials lie to the public about their salary and pay themselves through lum psum allowances.
The New Testaments Parable, however, has a minimal convincing view of life it onl…

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