Discrimination in the workplace

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Discrimination in the workplace

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Human Resources

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Discrimination in the Workplace
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Discrimination in the Workplace
Mackey’s Department Store was violating the regulations by the Equal Employee Opportunity Commission (EEOC) for failing to pay its employees during the holidays and vacation. It is a requirement by the commission that every employee should receive holiday pay during the time he or she is on vacation. Additionally, it was according to the law for the firm to fire Jerri Simmons for insisting that she must visit the pope. Although, the EEOC policies provide that the employees should have their religion respected, visit the pope is not among the provision (The Balance, 2018). Also, the policies of the firm were clear that no one would go for vacations during the time from 20th November to 31st December. The request of Jerri was within this time and hence she was not issued allow which brought the decision for her firing.
The case of Linda Martinez being transferred to another department that does not involve lifting of weights was very ethical. The shift of the company from small electronics to larger ones could make it hard for the short and light employees to be accommodated. However, the management was considerate in ensuring that the workers who could not fit in the areas were given other positions in the same company. In this case, there was no discrimination. The law does not restrict companies to transfer employees from one department to another with the aim of…

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